by admin | Jul 10, 2021
Read to Sydney Read to Sydney, the Tuesday Kiwanis Club, and the Clermont Historical Society are pleased to announce they will be joining forces in July and August in an ongoing effort to encourage children to read more. Reading can open the door to so many...CLERMONT HISTORIC VILLAGE
Roxanne Brown
Leave Message (Office)
Business Hours: Open every Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. All buildings are handicapped accessible. Private tours can be arranged by contacting us.
The Clermont Historic Village is a unique partnership between the City of Clermont and the Clermont Historical Society. The City owns and maintains the beautiful grounds and the buildings. Historical Society volunteers enjoy talking about the area’s rich history and the people who were a part of it to our visitors who come from Florida, all over the United States and from all around the world.”
This is done by opening it every Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM, by arranging group and individual tours during non-scheduled hours upon request, and by hosting events highlighting the history of the Clermont community. Historical Society volunteers enjoy meeting and talking to visitors to the Historic Village who come not only from Florida and all over the United States but from all around the world, about the area’s rich history and the people who were a part of it.
As one board member put it, “If you don’t look back, you’ve got nowhere to look forward.” The Historical Society was founded in 1998 as a 501(c)(3) organization.